DM IT Solutions BV

DM IT Solutions BV

  • Risk Management
  • Brand management consulting
  • Advertisement & marketing services

Official representative of the YouControl products and services in the Netherlands

the distributor

DM IT Solutions BV has been developing brand management consulting with a marketing focus since 2016. DM IT Solutions BV is also part of the STMP holding company, which specializes in risk management in particular. Over the past year, the close cooperation of STMP and YouControl specialists has made it possible to create useful compliance materials for the international community of the YouControl Academy. Their employees have extensive knowledge of compliance and KYC procedures because closely monitor for sanctions regime and restrict any trading with sanctioned counterparties.

The new tough trading environment in Europe exposed all businesses to the threat of working with sanctioned counterparties. DM IT Solutions BV was one of the first that introduced new essential KYC procedures for checking sanctioned relations. So, they would be great partners for you in implementing new compliance processes together with YC World.

DM IT Solutions BV provides solutions in:

  • Brand management consulting (with marketing focus) and compliance
  • TV advertisements production and placements
  • Digital (internet) banners for the target audience
  • Physical advertisements placement

Why it’s cool to work with the distributor

  1. The official cooperation formalized under the legislation of your country

  2. The accompanying paperwork from local legal entity

  3. The presentation of the product and assistance with the purchase in your native language

What is YC World

YC World is a system for searching for insights, building and visualising business connections between companies and individuals from the CIS countries and the UK


The service was developed by the Ukrainian IT company YouControl which has been developing open data services and AML and KYC systems since 2014. YC World was created to multi-level verification of the relationship between entities, identifies direct and indirect connections between companies and individuals through chains of intermediaries and countries. The visual Infinite graph allows for quick identification of dependencies and hidden insights.

YC World provides information on connections between companies and individuals from CIS countries and the UK, along with potential risks such as affiliation with PEP, sanctions, and ties to high-risk countries.

What you get

Your new experience
with YC World


Check the individuals and companies in more than 25 countries according to the registers of beneficiaries and owners


Conduct research and investigations to identify the connections with the Russian Federation or Belarus in different countries


Keep track of contacts with individuals and companies subject to sanctions and PEPs


Get a test-drive to easily check all your counterparties with YC World

Example of search
Contact DM IT Solutions BV

Buy YC World license in the Netherlands

For other questions

Pietersbergweg 283, 1105 BM, Amsterdam, Netherlands